Step-by-Step Guide – How to Write Application for Not Attending Exam?

Looking For How to Write Application For not Attend exam? If yes then you are at the Right place. In this article, we have shared a Sample letter on How to Write an application for not attending an exam due to illness.

How to Write an Application for Not Attend Exam


The principal,

Delhi Public School,

Risali Sector, Bhilai, 490006

Subject: Request Application for Not attending the First Semester Examination.

Respected Sir,

My Name is Anjali Sahu and I am Studying in Class Ninth of Your esteemed school. I am writing this Application to Bring Your concern that I will not be able to Attend the First Unit Test Examination Starting From Tomorrow Due to my Poor Health Conditions.

I have Been Suffering From High Fever and Malaria For the Past 3 Days and my Doctor Has Advised Me to Take Bed Rest For the Next 10 Days.

Therefore, Kindly Grant me Leave From 15-10-2021 to 25-10-2021. I Shall be Really Thankful to You.

Thanking You,

Yours’s Obediently

Anjali Sahu.


⇒⇒ Application for Not Attending Exam Sample PDF Download

Application for Excuse from Exam Due to Fever by Student’s Parent

The most acceptable format for applying for a re-examination/leave for an exam – 


The Principal, 

Name of the Educational Institute/Class,

Address of the Institute, 


Subject: Application For Missing The Exam Due To Fever 

Hello Sir/Ma’am, 

              This is to inform you that our child (your child’s name), who studies in (Class details/Roll no) of your esteemed organization,  has been suffering from fever and is currently under medical supervision. It is due to this that our child could not attend the exam on the (specify the date and subject). 

As parents of (child’s name), we kindly request you grant our child leave of absence from (specify the dates) and allow her/him to appear for a re-examination on a later date (as set by the authorities). We have attached the medical documents along with the letter. 

We thank you for understanding our concerns. In anticipation, Regards, 

Yours sincerely, 

Your full name

Your child’s full name 

Class and Roll No


⇒ ⇒ Application for Not Attend Exam Due to Fever by Student’s Parent

Structuring the Application for a Missed Exam

In this section, you will get an idea about how to write an application for not attending an exam due to a specific illness (in this case, fever). We will update you about the style and the structure of the letter that is to be framed. 

For starters, this letter can be written either by the concerned student or by their parents. Once that is decided, there are a couple of things you must keep in mind. The letter must be addressed correctly, with due respect given to where required. Along with that, you must be concise with the request and use a professional and respectful tone throughout. 

After you have framed the letter (use either Arial/Times New Roman format in 12-point size), you must proofread it. This is to ensure an error-free text. During this time, you must remember the institutional structural guidance and adhere to it. 

Lastly, you must attach the concerned documents to strengthen your request and leave no room for doubt. Throughout this application letter, your commitment to the institution must be reflected.  

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.1 Who should you address the letter to?

You must address the letter to the concerned authorities. For a leave application or re-examination, it is best to send a request to the Principal. It is best to consult the school authorities in case of any doubt. 

Q.2 Can the parents write an application on behalf of the student? 

If the child is extremely unwell to write the medical application, the parents can write it on their behalf. The parents must mention the child’s details (name/class/type of illness/leave days) in the application. 

Q.3 Is a medical certificate necessary along with the letter?

In most cases, it is not mandatory. But, if you attach a copy of the medical certificate then your application becomes stronger. You can also request for certain permits. 

Q.4 Can you reappear for the exam?

If you are suffering from an illness and provide the required documents then most educational institutes allow you to reappear for the exam. Apart from the medical certificate, you must fill in the required forms and request for a re-exam.  

Q.5 What is the normal time off that is granted for an illness? 

This depends on the type of illness the student is suffering from. In typical cases, a medical professional advises on the number of days that the student needs to take a leave. Based on that recommendation, the concerned authority sanctions the leaves.